Sunday, March 23, 2008

Immigration made easy for international students in Canada to transition to permanent resident status in Ontario

Now more than ever International students will have a chance to become permanent Ontario residents as a result of changes to the province’s Pilot Provincial Nominee Program. On February 12thm 2008, the Ontario government announced The International Student stream of the Employer Category in order to attract and retain the best and brightest Canadian trained international students and keeping them in Ontario.
Q: I am an international students living in Toronto, what should be my status to prove that I am an eligible for the new International Student stream of the Ontario Pilot PNP ?
A: You must have a valid study permit. Or if you applying within two years of the time of graduation, proof of a previous study permit and/or current post-graduation work permit.
Q: Why should I go for the Ontario Pilot PNP ?
A:Under the Ontario PNP program,
• students do not require one year of work experience
• English or French proficiency is not a prerequisite of the Ontario Pilot PNP. Only require applicants who possess sufficient language skills to be able to work in the pre-approved position.
• priority processing at Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Q: I have a one year diploma, would I be eligible for the International Student stream of the Pilot PNP?
A: International students must have graduated from:
- A public funded Canadian college or university
- Minimum of a two-year diploma or degree program, obtained while studying on a full-time basis
- One-year post-graduate degree programs and certificate programs, which require a previous degree or diploma, are also eligible.
- Part-time studies do not qualify.
- Preliminary or preparatory college certificate programs will not qualify.
Q: If my field of study is not related to the job offer, does that mean I cannot qualify for the program as an international student?
A: The job offer has to be in a managerial, professional or skilled trades occupation. If your field of study is not related to the job offer, then you still may qualify as an international student if your employer can clearly show how your education is related to the pre-approved job offer.

Q: I received a two year diploma from out side of Ontario, would I be eligible for the International Student stream of the Pilot PNP?
A: Previously, only graduates of Ontario post-secondary institutions could be considered. Now the program is open to international students Canada-wide. You need to be a graduate of a publicly funded Canadian college or university and you must have a job offer in Ontario.
Q: I am in Canada, and I already made refugee claim, can I still apply through this category ?
A: Refugee claimants with pending applications to remain in Canada are not eligible to apply. Refugee claimants who have a failed refugee claim or have withdrawn their claim are able to apply to the Pilot PNP only after they have left Canada.

Ms. Susan Gong, a former Member of the Immigration and Refugee Board, is the President and Principal Consultant of Altec Global Inc. She is a Certified Member of the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants and a Member of Canadian Chartered Accountants, which puts her in the unique position of having both of these qualifications .She dealt with a wide range of immigration issues and knows the strategies that must be employed to win a successful case. Fluent in English and Mandarin, she is able to communicate with many of her clients in their native tongue, which offers a huge degree of comfort—a key factor when dealing with sensitive and often personal issues. Ms. Gong has been honoured with several awards, including the Chinese Woman Pioneer Award.
You may reach Ms. Gong at 416-979-3322 or via email at :


《二零零八年三月十七日安省多倫多專訊》加拿大保守黨政府于二零零八年三月十四日推出一項法案,建議修改移民法,幷爲《移民及難民保護法》提出修正案,授予移民部長更大的權力。連邦保守黨將會傾向於給予移民部長漸漸控制決定新移民的移民種類, 人數控制以及移民申請的處理速度,還能設定移民申請積壓的上限,幷在積壓過多的情况之下暫停接受新的申請。移民部長范茵麗 (Diane Finley) 告訴國會,修改《移民及難民保護法案》的目的是减少移民申請的積壓狀况,幷增加進入加拿大的勞工人數。
爲了澄清與此相關的幾個重大問題,我們訪問了首位被委任爲聯邦移民局暨難民局委員的華裔女性、順達法律事務所主理人江文珊女士。江女士說:“基本上來講,提出這項修改法案對移民法最大的影響。根據現在的法律規定,任何外國人要進入加拿大,必須申請簽證或適當的文件。如果達到全部要求,就“將會”(shall) 一定得到簽證。新法案則明確表示,就算達到聯邦政府要求的申請者“可能”(may) 得到簽證,也有拿不到簽證的可能。江文珊女士又說: 根據現在的法律,加拿大的海外移民簽證處一定要在先到首先服務的原則下審理每一個收到的申請案件, 而現在修改的移民法, 可以給予移民部長權利因為移民申請積壓過多的情況下暫時停止接受新的申請,而且移氏部長有權力來決定選擇優先處理的移民種類的案件,他可以決定哪件先處理,哪件後處理,甚至不處理而直接拒絕並退回申請費用!換句話說,就好像已經購買了音樂會入場券並且耐心排隊入場,却被告知能不能入場還不一定。毫無疑問,這種景象對移民業造成的影響讓人不寒而慄。有人說:“這樣做太不公平”。也有人說:“這可能會影響移民加拿大的吸引力,甚至可能打消申請念頭”。很多人還擔心,移民加拿大的大門就此關閉。 江文珊女士回應說,根據移民部長范茵麗的說法,情况絕非如此。加拿大將繼續對移民開放,任何人依然還能申請移民。

至于修正案的好處,江文珊女士表示,新法案能讓政府把重點放在我們真正需要的人,政府因此能選擇最能滿足加拿大勞力市場的人。不過她也認爲:“移民申請積壓不是一天造成的,也不可能在一天之內說减就减” 。所以江文珊女士建議政府能讓放寬工作簽證及學生簽證的申請標準,减少以意圖在加拿大長期居留爲由而拒絕臨時勞工簽證,幷擴展臨時勞工計劃以便讓各行業勞工稍後可申請移民。同時放寬條例以便讓更多的國際留學生進入。很多學生簽證及工作簽證申請被拒簽的理由是因為他們有在加拿大長期居留及移民的意圖和傾向, 如果我們可以讓那些符合條件的海外勞工及國際留學生來到加拿大,也同時可以更能解決目前勞工市場短缺的情況, 她說,我們之所以把很多申請者都拱手讓給澳大利亞和英國,就是因爲這兩個國家的學生簽證更快捷、更容易。
讀者欲查詢有關新法案對個別個案的影響,請聯絡順達法律事務所主理人江文珊女士,,請致電:416-979-3322 或電郵至