Sunday, December 4, 2011

2011年9月17日-大中報 特別報導 - 為什麼新移民的工資不如30年前的老移民工資高


Why are recent Chinese immigrants earning less than immigrants 30 years ago? Part 1 of 2

今年初,大中报曾发表过一篇有关Ichung Chang——一位于2010年7月从台湾来到加拿大的前IT策略和计划顾问的文章。
Earlier this year, Chinese News profiled Ichung Chang, a former IT strategy and planning consultant from Taiwan who came to Canada in July 2010.

Like many immigrants, Chang began attending training sessions and networking events soon after his arrival. When Chinese News interviewed him in May 2011, he was sending “between 20 and 30” resumes per week.

“I’m probably giving myself a plan, like one year, and we’ll see what turns out,” he told Chinese News at the time. “Back home, the opportunity is quite good, and I probably could go back to the Asia-Pacific region and see what’s going on over there.”

When Chinese News tried contacting Chang recently for a follow-up story, his number had been disconnected.

Chang’s experience was not unique. According to York University’s Toronto Immigrant Employment Data Initiative, the unemployment rate of recent immigrants – that is, immigrants who have lived in Canada for less than five years – was 13.9 percent in July 2011.

另外,根据加拿大统计局的数据,于2001年到2006年间抵加的移民平均年收入为$1.6万元。而加国非移民的 平均年收入则为$2.7万元左右。
And according to Statistics Canada, immigrants who arrived between 2001 and 2006 earn almost $16,000 per year on average. For non-immigrants, the median employment income is around $27,000. 

However, immigrants who arrived in Canada before 1991 currently earn around $32,000 per year on average.

Why is there such a disparity between the financial success of past immigrants and recent immigrants?

 经济学顾问Patrick Grady向大中报表示,过去许多移民在刚来到加拿大时都只能赚得低收入。他说:“有时候,只有第二代移民才能取得成功。”
Economic consultant Patrick Grady tells Chinese News that in the past, many immigrants have earned low wages when first arriving in Canada. “Sometimes it’s only the second generation that’s successful,” he says.

Indeed, according to Grady’s study of 2006 census data, the average yearly income for second-generation Chinese-Canadians between 25 and 44 was $48,098. The average non-immigrant’s yearly income in the same age group was $40,358.

Grady说:“过去,华裔移民都做得非常好。不过,如果你留意一下来自其他国家的移民,便不难发现其第二代移民似乎普遍存 一些问题。”
“In the past, Chinese immigrants have done very well,” Grady says. However, “if you look at a lot of the other immigrant groups, the second generation seems to be having problems.”

从加拿大统计局对抵加不足4年的移民所做的收入研究来看,“于1998年到2000年抵加的移民,其收入比于1980 年到1982年抵加移民的收入更欠稳定。而前者的收入稳定性也不及于1983年到1985年抵加的移民。”
According to a Statistics Canada study based on earnings within four years of landing, “the earnings instability of immigrants who came to Canada between 1998 and 2000 was substantially higher than the earnings instability of those who came to Canada between 1980 and 1982. It was also higher than the earnings instability of those who came to Canada between 1983 and 1985.”

而不同时期的移民在收入上的差别也加剧了。根据加拿大统计局的数据显示,于1980年来到加拿大的男性移民收入,是加拿大本地出生的男性收入的85%。而到2005年,这一比例降低到了63%;同时,于 2005年抵加的女性移民收入,是加国本地出生的女性收入的56%。
The earning gap has increased as well. According to Statistics Canada, recent immigrants in 1980 earned 85 cents for each dollar earned by Canadian-born men. By 2005, the ratio had dropped to 63 cents for recent immigrant men and 56 cents for recent immigrant women. 

The gap widened despite recent immigrants’ postsecondary attainment rate rising much faster than for people born in Canada.

According to Statistics Canada, recent immigrant men with a university degree earned 48 cents for every dollar received by Canadian-born male university graduates in 2005. Recent immigrant men with no university degree earned 61 cents for each dollar received by their Canadian-born counterparts.

Similar patterns were observed among recent immigrant women, Statistics Canada says.

一份2003年所做的名为“华裔移民在加国:他们在构成及经济表现上的变化”的研究表明,“华裔新移民要花12年或更久的时间,才能获得和一般加拿大人 相同的就业收入。”
According to a 2003 study, “Chinese Immigrants in Canada: Their Changing Composition and Economic Performance,” it would take “12 or more years of residency in Canada” for recent Chinese immigrants “to achieve the same employment income as the average Canadian.”

Grady says there are several possible reasons for this.

他说:“我认为,从中国来的移民具体的来源地点发生了改变。此前许多年,华裔移民都不是从中国大陆而来,除非他们准备以难民身份前来, 所以当时很多所谓华裔移民实际上都是来自香港和台湾。”
“I think that there has been a change in where immigrants are coming from in China,” he says. “There were many years when they weren’t coming from the Peoples’ Republic unless they managed to get out as refugees, so a lot of what we would call Chinese immigrants were coming from Hong Kong and Taiwan.”

他继续说:“香港基本上 算是一个发达国家了。如果有人要离开香港而到加拿大来,他们不会要来做一个出租车司机。”
“Hong Kong is basically a developed  country,” he continues. “If somebody is going to leave Hong Kong to come here, they’re not going to have a job driving a taxi.”

Another possible reason is that recent immigrants with a university degree are more likely to be employed in low-skilled occupations. According to Statistics Canada, 29.8 percent of recent immigrant male university graduates worked in jobs that did not require more than a high-school education in 2005. That rate was 11.5 percent among their Canadian-born counterparts. 

Recent immigrant women with a university degree are also more likely to work in low-skilled occupations than their Canadian-born counterparts, Statistics Canada says.

当Grady被问到他认为应如何解决这一问题时,他提供了一些个人的意见,说:“必须减少移民人数。 政府决策者正提高对移民语言的要求,这是对的,而且他们 需要设法将移民申请者的筛选与他们所从事的工作挂钩起来。”
Asked how he thinks the problem can be resolved, Grady says his own personal view “is that immigration numbers have to be reduced.” Government regulators “are tightening up on the language requirements, which is good, and they have to somehow tie the decision about allowing people in more closely to their job,” he says.

Grady 继续说:“我认为,家庭团聚类移民问题非常大,因为 在这种情况下,我们利用经济条件选择移民时,仅用这样的标准来衡量配偶中的一人,而不是对两人都进行评估。”
“I think the family class is very problematic,” Grady continues, “because you select some people based on economic criteria and you only apply the criteria to one of the spouses rather than both.” 

Grady 说:“加国向他们敞开了大门,他们进来之后便可以名正言顺地带一些在语言、工作或其他条件上不符合标准的人进来。而你便无法期望后者也取得成功。”
“You let them in, and then they’re able to bring in other people who don’t have to necessarily meet language, or work, or any other criteria,” Grady says. “You wouldn’t expect them to be as successful.”

As president of the Chinese Professionals Association of Canada (CPAC), Hugh Zhao has seen his share of recent immigrants arrive in Canada believing they would easily find a job.

“We handle many cases where recent immigrants thought Canada was a dream land where they could find a job because they were high achievers back in China,” he says. “But once they come here they find the reality is very different.”

New immigrants face many obstacles when finding a job, Zhao says.

One is certification. “They may be outstanding professionals in their field back in China or their own country, but once they come here their experience or credentials may not be recognized,” he says, which is why CPAC runs a number of bridging programs that help foreign-trained professionals find jobs in Canada.

Another barrier is language. “Though I must comment that today’s professional immigrants have much better language skills than 20 years ago,” Zhao says.

Another is experience. “Virtually all employers require Canadian experience,” Zhao says. “And if you can’t find a job how can you have Canadian experience?”

Asked why he believes recent immigrants earn less than immigrants who arrived in Canada 30 or more years ago, Zhao says the goal of past Chinese immigrants was often graduate study at a Canadian university.

“I myself am a good example,” he says. “Once you obtain a graduate degree from a (Canadian) university and go into the workforce, your income will likely be much higher than today’s immigrants.”

Today’s Chinese immigrants are nearly as educated as the general population – among the 25 – 54 age group, 60.3 percent of Chinese-Canadians have earned at least a university certificate or degree. According to the Liberal government, 64 percent of Ontario’s adult population has earned some form of postsecondary education.

Since many of today’s immigrants have earned their postsecondary education overseas, “once they come here they don’t necessarily pursue a higher degree,” Zhao says. “They may decide to find a job.”

Zhao also believes that recent immigrants are more likely to bring their families, “so there’s an immediate need for income.” 

“Most likely they will engage in a labour intensive job and labour intensive jobs pay much less than professional jobs,” he says.

Victor Wong, executive director of the Chinese Canadian National Council, says the statistics are “comparing apples with oranges.”

“Earnings have been flat in real terms for the last ten years, maybe longer, for the whole population,” he says. “I think the only people who have fared well in terms of income have been those who are fairly wealthy.”

Indeed, according to Statistics Canada, the median income for Canadians with full-time jobs changed little between 1980 and 2005, edging up from $41,348 in 1980 (in 2005 dollars) to $41,401 in 2005.

“You have to compare apples with apples,” Wong says. “You can say, ‘new immigrants, based on 2006 earnings compared with 2001, are not doing that well.’ But if you compare how Canadians in general did in 2006 compared with 2001, you’ll find they didn’t do well either.”

“If I go back 25 years to 1986, and compare 1986 to 1981, those immigrants did well,” he continues. “But that’s because the general population did well.”

That said, he adds, “I don’t want to diminish the barriers that new immigrants face.”

Many immigrants leave Canada – more than 35 percent within 20 years, according to one Statistics Canada study. Around 60 percent of those who leave do so within a year of arrival.

C2C 移民法律服务公司的一名合伙人Ivy Li表示,她常常告诉她的客户要“做好准备”。
Ivy Li, a partner with C2C Immigration Office, says she often tells her clients to “be prepared.”

She tells them, “you are very successful in mainland China, in Hong Kong, in Thailand, but you need to get education again here in Canada,” she says. “Not only because the employer asks you to have Canadian experience – you need new knowledge, new skills to adjust yourself to this new country.”

“Some of my clients are prepared. They go to school again,” she says. Others are international students who simply ask for temporary resident status, and plan to return to China.

“I think the most important thing is to change your mind-set,” Li says. “You must pay something before you can get a return.”

Li believes immigrants 30 years ago found more success than recent ones partly because “the old generation, especially from Hong Kong, has a tradition of moving,” she says. “They can do any job just to survive.”

“The new generation of immigrants, most of them have a high position in China, or they have a business, a good career,” she continues. “So when they come here they just compare the good part of China with the bad part of Canada. They cannot balance this… They don’t want to pay dues.”

Altec Global Inc.的一名移民顾问江文珊表示,如果要改善新移民的财务状况,加国政府应该增加家庭团聚签证的发放。
Susan Gong, an immigration consultant with Altec Global Inc., says that to improve the financial success of recent immigrants, the Canadian government should increase the number of family reunification visas it offers.

“Parents and grandparents often aren’t viewed as a help to the economy,” she says via e-mail. “In fact, many immigrants entering the workforce rely on parents and grandparents for child care and help around the home.”

Gong also believes the government should increase its efforts to attract entrepreneurial immigrants.

“Immigrants are far more likely than Canadian-born people to be self-employed,” she says. And “with a low birth rate, Canada will need immigrants to help drive economic growth.”

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